Improving Market Linkages

Improving Market Linkages objectives:


•      Support local entrepreneurs, tech/tech-enabled start-ups, and   innovative SMEs to access regional/international markets

  • Raise awareness in regional and international markets about the local Palestinian ecosystem
  •   Engage local beneficiaries with regional partners and businesses to encourage B2B transactions and direct investments into Palestine


The Improving Market Linkages to Arab Communities in Regional and International Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Activity (Market Linkages Component) aims to support the improvement of Palestinian business linkages to more advanced regional and international ecosystems. The support is planned through several interventions as follows: 

Initiative 1: Awareness Events

This initiative includes events aimed at raising awareness in regional and international markets on the local Palestinian ecosystem. These events will target potential investors, mentors, entrepreneurs and accelerators. 


Initiative 2: Business-to-Business Networking Events

This initiative includes facilitating the development of linkage opportunities through networking events aimed at engaging local beneficiaries with regional partners and businesses and ultimately encouraging B2B transactions and direct investments into Palestine

Initiative 3: Market Access Grants/ Nexus Program 

This initiative includes supporting Palestinian startups and innovative SMEs through cost-sharing grants (NEXUS Program) aimed to bridge gaps in accessing new markets and expanding existing ones.