The Angel Investing Development Program (PAID) supports the development of new angel initiatives in the West Bank & Gaza while potentially linking in regional ecosystems and Palestinian diaspora.

The PAID program has two components:
- Palestine Angel Investor Learning Track, based on three pillars: awareness building, learning by sharing (educational webinars combined with hands-on workshops) and learning by doing (Due diligence support). The aim is to equip existing and aspiring angel investors with the necessary skills to originate and assess startup opportunities, negotiate deal terms, conduct due diligence, carry out post-investment monitoring, and build a sustainable portfolio. The educational webinars were offered during Q2 2023 and the recordings are available here.
- Investment Strategy - 12:00, April 18 2023.
- Due Diligence - 11:00, May 17 2023.
- Company Valuation - 12:00, May 31 2023.
- Deal Terms - 12:00, June 14 2023.
- BAN (Business Angel Network) Leader/Manager Technical Assistance, for individuals who are interested in setting up and running an angel investing initiative and/or are managing a network and want to do it more efficiently and professionally. The team of efino experts will provide educational support and an ongoing technical assistance to emerging angel investing initiatives’ managers with an objective to establish key processes, undergo investment cycles, and design a long-term development strategy.
By June 2023 80 individuals have joined the Palestine Angel Investor Learning Track and engaged through the different activities and we are currently working with the following initiatives:
- Peleset Angels
- Hasoub Angels
- Al-Khalil Angels
PAID is delivered in partnership with the Consortium lead by efino and supported by HIMAngel and EnterVentures.